
Quakes: heavy and light thoughts

ONE hundred years ago, a great earthquake (magnitude 8.3) rumbled under San Francisco [“A City of Great Magnitude,” April 16]. Will Los Angeles be next?

A great earthquake in Southern California will be different than the temblors Angelenos have experienced in the past. Severe ground shaking will occur over hundreds of miles and could last from one to three minutes, depending on the location. Make no mistake: Loss of life, injuries and damage will be on an apocalyptic scale.

Being prepared can save lives. The government may take days or weeks to bring in help. Take responsibility for yourself and your family.


It’s not a question of if, but when. Is Los Angeles ready?


San Marino


THANK you for Janis Cooke Newman’s useful article on the San Francisco earthquake and its aftermath. Newman mentions a missionary who warned the city a few days before that residents were facing God’s wrath with earthquake and fire.

There was much more of that afterward, of course. But some years ago, I ran across a quirky counter-argument that ran somewhat as follows:

Some say that God did smite

the town

For being mighty frisky.

Then why did He burn the

churches down,

And spare McCarthy’s


Good question.


San Diego
