
The voters will have the final say

Re “Republicans in Blue States Rethink Iraq,” Aug. 26

Connecticut Republican Rep. Christopher Shays, commenting recently on the Iraq war, stated, “The people fighting this war are doing the Lord’s work.” His statement is not only incorrect, it is unacceptable. Like President Bush’s previous comment referring to the war as a “crusade,” Shays’ moronic and inflammatory words only further incite Islamic extremists and terrorists to wage jihad against America. Shays’ attempt to break the separation of church and state doubles as a smoke screen to cover the myriad of lies and profiteering that got us into the disaster in Iraq. It is time for Shays and his lot to be voted out of office.


Los Angeles


Don’t be fooled by politicians calling for withdrawal from Iraq. This is just an election-year diversion to distance themselves from the real issues. They voted for this war with Iraq instead of getting Osama bin Laden (who really attacked us on 9/11); they failed to provide oversight and instead spent billions of our money without any accountability in Iraq; they voted to dismantle the Federal Emergency Management Agency (the only government organization that previously worked well); and they failed to defend our Constitution and stop this administration from grabbing powers it doesn’t have. Instead of buying into the latest PR campaign, have the courage to adopt the voting policy of “One Run and You’re Done.” Don’t reelect anyone in November.




Once upon a time, the GOP was the cut-and-run party. Republicans promised to cut government waste and corruption and run the country properly. What happened to them on the way to absolute power, I wonder?



Bermuda Dunes, Calif.
