
Westside subway and bus service

Re “Beverly Hills doesn’t want to miss the subway,” Nov. 27

Does Beverly Hills want a subway that people will use, or a subway as an expensive ornament? Routing the proposed Red Line subway extension under the empty buildings on Wilshire Boulevard makes little sense. The subway should jog north from the county Museum of Art to the congested Farmers Market area, then west to the Beverly Center, downtown Beverly Hills and Century City. Then, it should tunnel northwest to UCLA.

Putting the subway too far away from destinations such as the Grove, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the Park La Brea apartments is pouring money down an endless hole.




By claiming that the recently passed infrastructure bonds should be used to improve bus service, the Bus Riders Union proves that its priorities are not about improving transportation but instead are a continual pursuit of publicity. Bonds are for long-term investment, not operational costs.


Hopefully, with the end of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority consent decree, we can have an open and meaningful dialogue about the future of our region, not one held hostage by empty rhetoric and perpetual, stage-managed protests.


Los Angeles

The writer is executive secretary of Southern California Transit Advocates.
