
The road map out of Iraq

Re “Panel to urge gradual troop pullout,” Dec. 1

Signaling to Iraqis and people around the world that the U.S. intends to leave Iraq completely on a timeline measured in months, not years, is the single most important step we could take.

The U.S. and Iraqi governments should call for an immediate cease-fire on all sides, combined with unconditional negotiations with as many Iraqi factions as possible in order to quell the escalating violence. The Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group’s reported recommendation of advocating regional negotiations, including Syria and Iran, and addressing not only Iraq but also the Israel-Palestine situation is an important one.

Predictably, President Bush has reportedly already signaled that he is likely to reject these recommendations. Given this, and the reality that the Bush administration has shown little interest in or talent for negotiating with anyone, anywhere, during its six years in office, the study group should call for the United Nations, the Arab League or other international bodies to assist with negotiations.



Silver Spring, Md.

The writer is executive director of the Peace Action and Peace Action Education Fund.


Re “The high cost of dealing with the enemy,” Opinion, Nov. 29

When there just might be an opportunity to use diplomacy in a positive manner -- actually having the good sense to talk with our “enemies” instead of ignoring the valid issues that face the countries most affected by the constant warfare -- come again the voices of agitation. Why do these self-proclaimed “experts” such as Max Boot, already shown to be completely wrong in their prognostication of our invasion, wish to continue with their craven warmongering? What is it that they gain by promoting more bloodshed over practical concessions that end the violence?

They advocate policies that would perpetuate war and ruin our chances for peace and prosperity. They should be challenged incessantly until their voices are stifled by the words of true patriots who believe in our founding principles.


Brooklyn, N.Y.


Bush’s only option to get out of the Iraq hellhole is to go cap in hand to the devil. I refer to Boot’s characterization of Iran and Syria. But the Iraq Study Group will state that the help of these nations is essential for our exit strategy. As Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said recently, “We are in dire need of Iran’s help in establishing security and stability in Iraq.” The neoconservative geniuses who believed invading Iraq would strengthen U.S. interests have accomplished the opposite. We’ll end up giving military and political victories to our enemies, actually reducing our security. The U.S. may well be forced to accommodate Iran’s nuclear program. Welcome to the new world order of the younger Bush. Now we know why the elder Bush left Saddam Hussein alone.



Thousand Oaks
