
If nephew doesn’t like this present he can always sell it on EBay

Bob McCormick, host of KNX 1070 (AM) radio’s “Money 101” program, says he’s no longer going to give his nephew cash for Christmas. This year it will be a book. “He wants to make a living on EBay,” McCormick added, “so I’m going to give him a book about EBay.”

Mystery of the Day: John Roberson of Corona noticed a “Crazy Tuesday” designation on a local pharmacy’s sign and wondered what type of drugs were dispensed that day (see photo).

Mystery solved: I phoned the pharmacy and the staff there told me they observed no “Crazy Tuesday,” making me feel a bit wacky for asking.


I eventually discovered that the designation referred to a discount offered by an adjacent carwash.

Food for thought: Gloria Young of L.A. found a menu item that requires some exertions on the part of diners (see accompanying).

For worn-out mall-goers? David Morin chanced upon a store that will apparently attend to both foot and shoe ills (see photo).


I won’t drink to that: The OFS (loosely translated as the Old Fuds Society) of retired L.A. journalists gathered in a new location the other day: a respectable banquet room in a North Hollywood hotel. Guest speaker Karen Croft of PBS’ “Frontline” TV show quipped: “I thought you guys would be meeting in a bar.”

One for the road: Alas, while the above stereotype lingers, there’s no longer much substance behind it, given the suburban lifestyle of today’s newspeople.

During my years at this newspaper, I’ve patronized four “Times bars” (though not always on the same night). Two folded long ago: Anthony’s, a no-frills, shot-and-a-beer emporium, and the Code 7, with the world’s largest wall display of cop badges.


A third, the Redwood, shut down but has reopened with a new owner. The fourth, the earthquake-themed Epicentre, also went under and is supposed to open under new management.

I attended the OFS luncheon as an “intern fud,” in the words, more or less, of colleague Larry Harnisch. And I heard that only two of the 50 or so attendees expressed alarm that there was no bar in the room.

Being good journalists, the duo found booze somewhere else on the hotel grounds after a painstaking investigation.

miscelLAny: In the wake of Saturday’s disaster, I -- an admitted USC grad -- fear that UCLA fans will resume their custom of sending out Christmas cards that contain nothing but the score of the latest Trojans-Bruins game. Almost makes me wish Anthony’s was still open.


Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LATIMES, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A. 90012, and by e-mail at [email protected].
