

Special to The Times

WILL this be the season Hollywood decides to ditch the bling? Thanks to Edward Zwick’s new film, “Blood Diamond,” there’s an alternative from the activist jewelry department: a red rubber “Blood Diamond/Clean Diamond” bracelet from Amnesty International and Global Witness. The bracelet, which sells for $2 on, is linked to Friday’s release of Zwick’s film, an action-packed story of a mercenary (Leonardo DiCaprio), a journalist (Jennifer Connelly), and a fisherman (Djimon Hounsou) who finds a rare pink diamond during the bloody civil war in Sierra Leone, a decade-long conflict financed in part by rebels’ illicit diamond trade.

Buzz for the film has been boosted by a $15-million campaign by the World Diamond Council ( to tell consumers about the 3-year-old Kimberley Process, which requires rough diamonds be certified as conflict-free before being exported. All in time for Christmas.

Activist-stars DiCaprio and Hounsou wore the bracelets and spoke about them on “Oprah,” set to air today. The actors and Connelly, an Amnesty International human rights ambassador, wore the bracelets to a recent press junket at the Beverly Wilshire. The red rubber bracelets will be handed out at the film’s L.A. premiere scheduled tonight.


The actors have taped public service announcements for Amnesty International about issues raised in the film.

Elizabeth Snead writes the “Styles & Scenes” blog at
