
Orange County boat parades

Dana Point Harbor

When: Tonight, Dec. 15 and 16. Time: 7:30 to 9 p.m.

Cost: Free for shore spectators; entry fee for participating boats.Information: (949) 923-2255 or

The 32nd annual parade has decorated boats competing for awards. Parking in the harbor is free but limited; arrive early. Valet parkingat El Torito and the Wind & Sea. Tickets to ride in parade on DanaWharf Sportfishing boats are $25 for adults and $15 for children:(949) 496-5794.


Huntington Harbour

When: Tonight and Sunday.

Where: Warner Avenue near PCH | Time: 5:15 to 8 p.m.

Cost: Free for spectators. Also try viewing from Peter’s Landing orSunset Aquatic Park.

Information: (714) 840-7542.

The lighted boats travel the channels of Huntington Harbour. Parking is extremely limited; islands are closed to traffic during event. TheCruise of Lights, Dec. 15-23, gives narrated boat tours around theharbor. Ticket prices and cruise times:



Newport Harbor

When: Wednesday-Dec. 17.

Time: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. for regular route (Wednesday and Thursday);until 9 p.m. on extended route (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).Information: (949) 729-4400 or Cost: Freefor spectators, entry fee for participating boats.

The 98th annual parade and judging of decorated yachts, boats and other watercraft begins at Collins Island each evening. Parking onstreets and in city lots is extremely limited; arrive early.


Sources: Dana Point Harbor Assn., Dana Wharf Sportfishing, NewportBeach Chamber of Commerce, H.B. Philharmonic Committee
