
Segerstrom Hall and its discontents

DESPITE Mark Swed’s somewhat disparaging remarks, the Kirov forces offered outstanding musical experiences for which I am extremely grateful [“Of Sound and Vision,” Nov. 19]. The Shostakovich concerts were masterful and the sound in the new auditorium was excellent.

Although continuing support for local events is a laudable suggestion, bringing artists of high quality from abroad most certainly enhances the scope of musical experience and provides a distinct cultural service to our area. Is this only a prerogative for Los Angeles in Swed’s opinion?


Santa Ana


MANY thanks for Swed’s honest appraisal. A few things that could be added: In the box circle, there are metal discs at the bottom of the movable chairs. When someone does move a chair, there is noise that reverberates.


I have tried out most all the seats. I am less than 5 feet tall; nevertheless I have to stand up when someone wants to be seated. And obviously, I won’t sit there anymore if I want to see.

However, the frequent last-minute availability is one of the great things about living in an uncultured area!


Newport Beach


AT last -- an unfavorable comment on the new Segerstrom. You say “... has its flaws, but really it just needs a little direction.”


Well, my wife and I feel that the flaws are so enormous that much more than a “little” change in direction is needed.

The sound was so awful, it sounded like the USC marching band playing full blast in a bowling alley.

The seats were uncomfortable -- the air conditioning must have been set at freezing! And there is no emergency exit procedure.


I imagine that the press must be in a quandary -- how can you criticize such a catastrophe and survive?

But on the other hand, how can you not criticize and remain true to your principles? We common people have no such quandaries, we will simply never go there again -- the hell with our remaining series tickets!


