
Where to go from here on Iraq policy

Re “Return fire from the right,” Dec. 8

In this article on criticism of the Iraq Study Group, conservative commentator William Bennett is quoted as saying: “In all my time in Washington, I’ve never seen such smugness, arrogance or such insufferable moral superiority.” Apparently Bennett’s idea of reasoned debate is to attack the messenger. Does he really believe President Bush’s plan is working?




The much-touted Iraq Study Group report was released last week only to be pooh-poohed by the White House because it shows how poorly it has handled the Iraq war and goes against most everything the White House has said it plans to do in the future. It is a shame that we are going to lose this war, and the White House (more specifically George W. Bush) is too egomaniacal to see it or acknowledge it. We no longer can win this war, but by following some of the Iraq Study Group’s suggestions, we can at least help the Iraqis start to rebuild their country instead of proceed further into complete chaos. I also support diplomatic talks with Iran and Syria to solve the problem.


Studio City


Re “Iraq report gets mixed reception in Congress,” Dec. 8

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said that if we followed the report’s recommendations, we would lose the Iraq war as we lost the Vietnam War. Yet, just a few weeks ago, Bush was in Vietnam saying what a great country it was and how our trade with that nation is such a great thing. So what exactly did we “lose”? Once we stopped bombing and killing people in Vietnam, they were able to go on with their lives. Perhaps if we stopped bombing and killing people in Iraq, the same would happen. Perhaps bombing and killing people is not such a good thing to do.



Santa Monica


Re “At least he read it,” editorial, Dec. 8

Bush already is balking rather than talking. Clearly the U.S. must talk to Iran and Syria. The U.S. was willing to talk with the Soviet Union and China, and the results prevented further war and destruction. Members of this very conservative study group, none of whom opposed this war, have come up with some solid ideas. We must have a change in policy. If Bush cannot see the wisdom in this, then the new Congress must press him to do so.


West Hills


This is a plea to the president to pursue opening up diplomatic channels in the Middle East. If Iran through its leadership, for example, says no thanks, we must not give up. If Syria’s leadership is not interested either, we must not give up.

We are the United States of America. Our power mandates that we negotiate for a better world, a peaceful world. We should be the initiators of opening up the channels of communication. Our future and the future of the world depend on it.



Studio City
