
Huffington’s views on Hillary Clinton

Re “Hillary, the great follower,” Opinion, Dec. 7

I’ve always been a great admirer of Arianna Huffington, but her borderline hysterical rant about Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) missed making any salient point. While Huffington accuses Clinton of “remaining curiously silent” on Iraq, the truth is that the senator issued a statement Wednesday in response to the Iraq Study Group report calling for the “redeployment of American troops.” And while Huffington chastises Clinton for preparing for 2008, she makes no such criticisms of Sen. Barak Obama (D-Ill.), who is, of course, taking the same steps toward the same campaign. Then, to suggest that the endorsement of David Geffen is somehow an accurate barometer of electability is absurd. Although she accuses Clinton of not knowing “what is right,” it is Huffington who seems to no longer know what matters.




I had to laugh when I read Huffington’s column criticizing Hillary Clinton for being “the quintessential political weather vane.” No, Arianna, that’s you, a social-climbing former conservative Republican until your then-husband Michael Huffington was soundly defeated in his race for governor, after which you saw the handwriting on the wall in California and swiftly morphed into a social-climbing left-wing Democrat. I guess it takes one to know one.


Los Angeles


Hollywood and the elite media are fixated with Obama simply because he’s black and liberal. This man has been careful not to reveal himself while liberals use him as a front for their extremist agendas.


Once Obama gets away from shielded softball forums such as “Oprah” and is subjected to real questions with hard answers, he will be forced to take a stand, and his house of cards will collapse.


Pacific Palisades


Huffington hit the mark when she wrote, regarding Clinton, “Democrats are fed up with fence straddling and triangulation. But that has become Clinton’s brand.” As a lifelong Democrat, I will never vote for Clinton for the exact reason that Huffington articulated so succinctly.


Woodland Hills
