
Thursday Briefing

The World

Hamas judge killed in Gaza Strip

The fourth consecutive day of factional violence in the Gaza Strip sees a judge from the Hamas movement killed by gunmen as Fatah Party troops are deployed to the city. Page A3


Shake-up in Iraq?

Iraqi coalition politicians meet to discuss a possible Cabinet shake-up as bombs, mortar fire and shootings claim more than 40 victims across the country. Page A10


Bushmen win

In Botswana, a landmark High Court decision says the government’s eviction of tribesmen living in their traditional manner in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve is illegal. Page A3



The Nation

Poll: Clinton liked, but McCain wins

A Times poll finds that Democrats like Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton a lot, but Sen. John McCain would easily defeat her. Even Gov. Mitt Romney would do well against her. Page A1

FEC fines 527s

The Federal Election Commission fines both and Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth for partisan 2004 campaign violations. Page A12



State tax hike on hard soft drinks

California authorities move to raise taxes on popular sugary alcoholic beverages and remove them from convenience stores. The tax could total $2 per six-pack. Page A1



Probe questioned

CHP investigators persisted with a criminal investigation of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s election opponent, Phil Angelides, even after state law officials said there was no crime. Page B1


Council settles

The Los Angeles City Council approves a controversial $27.7-million settlement in a lawsuit over a now-defunct petroleum coke operation and waives $46 million in back rent. Page B1



U.S. meets China on open markets

A high-powered U.S. delegation led by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson arrives in China to pressure that government to open its markets and fight ever-increasing cultural piracy. Page C1



Housing sales fade

Southern California’s housing market fades with last month’s sales stagnant and housing prices rising at the most sluggish pace in 10 years. Page C1



Lakers lose to Mavericks, 110-101

Kobe Bryant scores 33 points as the Lakers, in their first game since losing Lamar Odom to a knee injury, rally late but can’t quite catch Dallas. Page D1


Ducks win again

Teemu Selanne scored two goals, and Anaheim defeats the Atlanta Thrashers to set the NHL mark for best road record through 15 games. Page D4


Tiger does it again

2006 turns out to be another year of accomplishments for golfer Tiger Woods, despite the death of his father. Page D1


Calendar Weekend

Downtown L.A. now open at night

Downtown L.A., bounded by the L.A. River and the 101, 10 and 110 freeways, was once considered a nighttime no man’s land of concrete and shuttered stores. Now it finds itself at the center of an extraordinary bar and nightclub explosion. Page E1



A big dreamer

Henry Segerstrom is an Orange County real estate developer, arts benefactor and planner of South Coast Plaza and the Orange County Performing Arts Center. He even thinks big about his own home. Page F1



EDITORS’ CHOICE: You may remember the Triforium, the 60-ton, six-story, three-pronged concrete and crystal tower at Temple and Main streets in the Civic Center. Mocked at its inception 31 years ago, it’s now back, complete with music and pulsating light prisms. CALIFORNIA, B1
