
Bursts of fall color

ENJOYED the article on sasanqua camellias [“This Beauty Shows Its Colors Early,” Nov. 30]. I have more than a dozen camellias, and more than half of them are sasanquas. Nothing is more simple yet elegant than the blushing white petals of a ‘Cleopatra’ as its petals melt upon the leaves like a Dali painting.

My absolute favorite and best performer is ‘Yuletide.’ Now more than 20 years old, it is 4 feet high and spreads wider than 6 feet, blooming from October through February.

The plants are often admired, and I give them as gifts. Nuccio’s Nurseries in Altadena is truly a treasure in Southern California. Not only is the selection unbelievable, but the friendly family service is rare and exceptional.



La Canada Flintridge


WITH so many sasanquas to choose from, it’s hard to note all the standouts, but I was still surprised that none of the sasanqua fanciers interviewed in Lili Singer’s article made mention of ‘Showa-No-Sakae.’ It grows vigorously and has an elegant arching habit.

It may not be unusual in the beauty, size or fragrance of its flowers (medium-size, clear pink, semidouble to peony form), but it has one of the longest bloom seasons of any camellia.

It flowers profusely from early September through January -- even into early February -- long after the short-seasoned ‘Narumi-gata,’ ‘Shibori Egao’ and others have made way for japonica camellias.



Los Angeles
