
Victims receive payments for sex abuse by clergy

From a Times Staff Writer

A deal has been finalized for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles to pay 45 victims of clergy sexual abuse $60 million.

Plaintiffs’ attorney Raymond P. Boucher announced that the settlement of the victims’ legal claims is official, and said they received payment Thursday and Friday. Cardinal Roger M. Mahony, who heads the archdiocese, announced the agreement Dec. 1.

“Forty-five people now have a chance to move forward,” said Boucher, who is the lead counsel representing victims. “Thank God for that.”


The deal includes cases that occurred when the archdiocese was not insured or was self-insured. Boucher noted that more than 500 cases remain to be resolved and urged the insurance companies expected by the archdiocese to cover much of the remaining liability to complete negotiations quickly.

The claims were brought by the largest group of victims of clergy misconduct in any Roman Catholic diocese in the United States.

Mahony has personally apologized for mistakes the church made in supervising many of the priests.


“We reached an agreement two weeks ago. We’re glad to hear that the ink is dry,” said Tod M. Tamberg, spokesman for the archdiocese.
