
More troops, more problems

Re “Bush seeks more troops,” Dec. 20

This is a ridiculous proposal made by a desperate president. More troops will only escalate the problem, not solve it. We are increasing the stress on our own soldiers and will spend more than $1 billion only to lose more lives in Iraq. It will only increase hatred for the U.S.

We need to end this war and bring our troops home as soon as possible. We need to seek out and respond to the root causes of terrorism: poverty and inequity in the Middle East, misbehavior of multinational corporations, our ongoing and unnecessary war with Muslims and our sick dependence on foreign oil.

Let us impose restrictions on multinationals, offer aid to Middle Eastern countries, increase communication and diplomacy and promote such alternative energy resources as ethanol and biodiesel fuel.


It is time to look at things in a new light -- to educate Americans on these issues and how they will really solve the problem, not perpetuate this gargantuan mistake and deepen the problem for generations to come.




I wish I could believe that President Bush is really listening to new opinions and considering a real change of strategy in Iraq. But I know from experience that this is a man who does not listen to others’ views, let alone reflect upon them. I recall too well that even as massive numbers of American troops were moving toward Iraq at the outset of this war, when it was obvious that we were going in, Bush was still saying publicly that he had not made up his mind yet. I fear that things haven’t changed.

I believe the phrase to describe the likely new strategy is a version of “double or nothing.” One doesn’t have to be clever to know which it will be.



Santa Monica


All along in his ongoing, ham-handed handling of the war he is responsible for, Bush has said he would listen to the generals and they would tell him what we should do. The Joint Chiefs have now told Bush that deploying more troops to Iraq will not help the situation, so what does he do?

I don’t know how long our nation can endure the continued occupation of a country that we have plundered, the loss of American lives, the bankrupting of our assets and the isolation that this failed leader has brought upon us. The message is clear: This failed man should be removed from office.




Incredibly, Bush still thinks that the Iraq war is basically a military problem, and he is contemplating sending even more U.S. troops there. Doesn’t he realize that the only way to resolve this conflict is through political stability and boosting Iraq’s economy? All Bush will be doing is pouring more money into Iraq with little or no tangible results to show for it. Unfortunately, Bush has tunnel vision, thinking that guns will solve everything.



Huntington Beach
