
Rating Democrat candidates

Re “First things first,” editorial, Dec. 17

The Times claims that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) must overcome “qualms among liberals about her move to the center on several fronts, including the war in Iraq.” However, the Dec. 13 Times/Bloomberg poll shows that 52% of Americans support a “fixed timetable” for withdrawal from Iraq, a position Clinton has consistently rejected in favor of a more hawkish stance.

Because the majority favors a fixed timetable, it logically follows that the median or centrist position on Iraq is one in support of a fixed timetable. Because Clinton is to the right of this position, it is nonsense to say that she has moved to the center on Iraq.

In fact, she has moved to the right of most Americans. The continued insistence of The Times that support for this deeply unpopular war is somehow a centrist position is inaccurate and irresponsible.



Los Angeles


What an elitist editorial. “Forget Kucinich,” you write with nonchalant arrogance. Why should we forget the only candidate of either party who wants to honor the voters’ Nov. 7 demand to get out of Iraq now? Kucinich is urging his colleagues to vote “no” on spending another dime to pay for this insane war. Why do you write him off so easily? Is he too short for you? Too honest? Too courageous? Not a good enough fundraiser? Kucinich’s issues -- Medicare for all, ending poverty, cutting the military budget -- are becoming mainstream. Give him a chance.


Sherman Oaks


I would like to see Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) run for president and Clinton for vice president. I believe this would be an unbeatable combination because the nation would, in essence, have two presidents for the price of one. Bill Clinton could provide the experience that his wife and Obama lack.

I see Hillary Clinton being groomed to become the first female president in 2016, upon completion of Obama’s terms in office. We need new, diverse and intelligent leadership in order to correct the disastrous course this country has been on during the Bush administration.


I hope this country can accept an individual by his or her character, integrity and intelligence, rather than the color of skin or gender.


