
Court challenge to plan for schools

Re “Judge tosses out mayor’s takeover of L.A. schools,” Dec. 22

It’s perfectly appropriate for L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to appeal Judge Dzintra Janavs’ ruling by stating that the law and the state Constitution support the mayor’s plan to take over the Los Angeles Unified School District. Judges do make mistakes. But it is irresponsible and an incitement to mob rule for Villaraigosa to suggest that the decision was wrong or should be reversed on appeal because his takeover bid has popular support.

Proposition 187, restricting the rights of illegal immigrants, and Proposition 14, authorizing property owners to racially discriminate (by overturning the Rumford Fair Housing Act), won overwhelmingly at the ballot box but were successfully challenged in court. Would Villaraigosa have said the same about those laws?


Los Angeles


Re “A mayoral setback,” editorial, Dec. 22

The Times is wrong. The last thing the city’s schools need is to be controlled by a mayor, whether it’s Villaraigosa or someone else. The only result of such a takeover will be an even greater emphasis on low-level testing to produce data to support reelection campaigns, and reforms by opportunistic politicians who know nothing about education. Anyone who thinks mayoral control has led to significant improvements in other cities has only read one-sided stories.


The Times needs to end its mistaken support for mayoral governance, get out into schools to understand the real issues facing classroom teachers and see how real reform begins at the local level within the classroom and the school. Otherwise, for teachers such as myself, The Times has no meaningful role to play in this discussion.


Los Angeles
