
Goode’s intolerance

Re “Congressman warns against ‘Muslims elected to office,’ ” Dec. 21

As a Marine and a patriot, I am saddened that members of our highest democratic institutions continue to cling to beliefs that contribute to what is already a tenuous social and political situation in our great nation today.

Rep. Virgil H. Goode Jr. (R-Va.) is certainly not alone in his state of moral corruption, but he is an excellent example of precisely what is wrong with so many of our elected leaders and what constitutes perhaps the single greatest threat to our democracy from within.

I have sworn an oath to defend our Constitution and protect freedom and democracy from foreign enemies.


Yet, in these past few years I have grown equally fearful of domestic enemies and now count Goode as one of them. Now I not only have deviant ideologues in front of me, but I also have them at my back.

Historically, acts of violence have never been far behind the kind of religious extremism you practice.

Goode’s comments are sufficient to require his resignation. But I will settle for a sincere public apology, not just to Muslims but to all Americans.



Monterey, Calif.


I was appalled at Goode’s ignorant letter attacking Minnesota Democratic Representative-elect Keith Ellison’s decision to be sworn in using the Koran.

All citizens of this country have freedom of religion, and there is no religious test to hold office, according to the Constitution.

The notion that Ellison should swear an oath upon a book in which he does not believe is not only absurd but counterintuitive.


Moreover, the people of Minnesota who elected Ellison are citizens of this country whose democratic decision should be respected by all other elected officials in our nation.

Illegal immigration has nothing to do with this debate. We cannot claim to be fighting for democracy abroad while we undermine it here at home.

With such rhetoric attacking the two basic elements of our society -- our Bill of Rights and our democratic institutions -- I should expect leaders such as President Bush to clearly stand up to the xenophobic members of his own party.


Mission Viejo


I have always been proud of America’s religious, racial and ethnic diversity. Goode’s intolerance is similar to the views once espoused toward African Americans and Jews.

Goode feels that he only represents white Christians. Someone check his closet for the pointy white hat he is surely hiding.


North Hollywood
