
Comedy writers: The joke’s on you

THE comedy writers who assault “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip” are correct when they say Aaron Sorkin doesn’t get it right [“Comedy Writers Aren’t Laughing About ‘60,’ ” by Deborah Netburn, Dec. 25]. I’ve never read such a bunch of whiners.

Aaron, have your characters whine more -- much more, if you want the real thing.


Las Vegas


WHAT a lovely Christmas treat: yet another article slagging “Studio 60.” I have no idea why this remarkable program has become such a media whipping boy, but I do know that if NBC gets fed up with the grief, they’ll yank it and replace it with “Fear Factor” -- and then everyone will really have something to whine about.


Sherman Oaks


NO, Ken Levine, people in television must not be that smart -- not the ones whose lives resemble other people’s dreams but who cite laughing on the job as “the one saving grace” of a job that has given them Emmys, fame, personal satisfaction and millions of dollars.


And how dare Aaron Sorkin take dramatic license with your lives -- after all those dead-on forgotten anniversary and two-dates-for-the-prom episodes you comedy writers have given us?


Los Angeles
