
The Collectinator Should Check With the Controller for Cash

Have I got good news for the governor! He may be out $8 million of his own dough, spent on the special election last year, but there’s money being held for wife Maria Shriver on the state controller’s website for unclaimed property -- more than $800.

Of that total, $554 is salary owed by Disney, which apparently has no idea how to locate Shriver (see accompanying).

In addition, the website lists $239.67 owed Schwarzenegger by Oak Productions, which also can’t find the governor.


Wait until the boss finds out. Oak Productions is Schwarzenegger’s firm.


Driving you to drink: Reporting a massive traffic jam on the Riverside Freeway, KFWB-AM 980’s Tracy Savage said: “You may need a Corona when you get through Corona.”


A new kind of receptacle: In the restroom of a Valencia restaurant, Joe Marenghi noticed a strange warning. “I got my camera and took a snapshot,” Marenghi said (see photo). Thanks, though it makes me nervous to think this column is inspiring people to take photos in restrooms.


Ooh L.A. L.A.! Dorothy McEwen of Port Hueneme saw a spelling-challenged ad that had X-rated implications (see accompanying).



California rip of the week: The Kansas City Star, celebrating its 125th year of existence, is publishing a list of “125 things we love about K.C.,” including this from Desirae Murillo: “I’m originally from California, so I like that Kansas City is not as ‘hustle and bustle’ and I like that the people here are a lot more friendly.” Oh, buzz off!


125 Things We Hate About the Palisades: A resident wrote the Palisadian-Post and pleaded with its Two Cents column -- a collection of anonymous reader comments -- to “print nothing but nice things” for one week, omitting the usual “gripes about parrots, crows, SUVs, skateboarders, teenagers, gardeners, dogs and the size of houses.”

“Without an outlet for carping,” the resident added, “maybe we can all enjoy our town together.”


Sure enough, none of those topics were mentioned in the next column.

However, Palisadians did carp about late mail delivery, outdoor signs and smudges on hands from newspaper print.


miscelLAny: While some performers are traumatized by advancing age, such is evidently not the case with actor Harrison Ford, age 63. He told Men’s Journal that he and girlfriend Calista Flockhart recently went to see a movie and, at the ticket window, “I ordered one ‘adult’ and one ‘senior citizen.’ The break was 62 years old at that theater.” “So you took advantage,” said interviewer Tom Brokaw.

“Hell yes, “ Ford replied. “I saved $6.”


Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LATIMES, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A. 90012, and by e-mail at [email protected].
