
A few tips for foiling pickpockets

I keep reading about travelers losing valuables because of pick-pocketing [“A Careful Traveler Becomes a Bit Warier,” Jan. 22, and Letters, Jan. 29]. Before traveling, spend a few minutes preparing to minimize any losses. For instance, sew a tab to the zipper of your fanny pack and your back pocket. Attach a snap or a piece of Velcro to the tab and the mating piece to your fanny pack or pants. You will feel the tug if someone is trying to lift anything.

Also for men, attach a long piece of stretch nylon lanyard to your wallet so you can feel it when your wallet is lifted. It will give you a few seconds to call for help.

Obey the other well-known rules. A woman carrying a handbag, for instance, should not walk with her bag near the curb.



