
Should U.S. be funding Iran’s opposition?

Watching Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice asking for $85 million to support the opposition in Iran (Feb. 16) reminded me of previous administrations’ requests for money to support and prop up governments in Southeast Asia. Before, we were told we were fighting the communists; now we are told we are fighting Muslim extremists.

We supported Ahmad Chalabi in Iraq the same as we supported others in Southeast Asia, and all we have gotten is corruption and hatred of the U.S. Will we also see a mea culpa years from now from Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld like we have seen from Robert McNamara?


Westlake Village


The existence and influence of opposition groups in Iran seems of value to the U.S. Openly funding such groups, however, is not the way to support them. Our public backing of the opposition will likely cause Iranians to rally in support of their government. It will demonstrate again that the U.S. seeks to control other countries.


The last thing the opposition needs is the open support of the U.S. Our government seems so adept at keeping things secret, why does it now become so open? We seem to constantly demonstrate a lack of understanding of the culture and mentality of the people we are dealing with.


Los Angeles


I support Rice’s request to fund the opposition to Iran’s fundamentalist government. The overthrow of the mullahs would presumably help establish a more democratic form of government. This is a bargain considering the billions of dollars spent, the commitment of troops and the loss of life we have suffered trying with minimal success to accomplish the same goals in Iraq.


Newport Beach
