
The horror of a flawed system for children

Re “A Child’s Death Reveals a System’s Tragic Flaw,” Feb. 13

A significant flaw in the system is the Los Angeles County Children’s Court, where referees and commissioners of dubious qualifications render critical rulings affecting the lives of children, parents and foster caregivers. The judges, who are outnumbered, do not fare any better.

It seems that the children’s courts serve as training grounds for higher judicial positions -- an unfortunate reality considering the discretionary powers granted to them.

In civil and criminal courts, juries make critical decisions. But juvenile courts are allowed to operate in secrecy, ostensibly to protect children but often veiling the incompetence of judges, court-appointed lawyers and social workers. This is a dangerous condition that I am afraid will result in more catastrophes.



Rancho Palos Verdes


I am profoundly disturbed by the story of Sarah Chavez. I cut the story out of The Times, reread it and placed it by my bed. I was consumed by anger and disgust. My hope is that heads will roll.

My regards to Corri Planck and Dianne Hardy-Garcia. Not only must it have been tragic to witness a child being stuffed back into hell, but the way they were misused was criminal.

After the minimization of this death, I suppose it will be promotions all around at the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services as well as at the Garfield Medical Center.



Santa Barbara
