
Dial an answer to the classical query

EVER wanted to ask a musician a question? Now you may be able to, thanks to the new “Dial-a-Musician” program created for the Classical Public Radio Network by pianist Orli Shaham. It will be broadcast locally, every Wednesday and Saturday through April, at 6 and 8 a.m. over KUSC-FM (91.5) or

On the show, Shaham, sister of violinist Gil Shaham, starts with a listener’s question, then rings up one of her colleagues for an answer. The reply sometimes involves a piece of music, which may also be broadcast.

“The idea was to bring musicians closer to the community,” Shaham says. “I’ve had questions from ‘Why do bassoonists obsess about their reeds?’ to one from a man who had a daughter who was studying clarinet but was also interested in composing. He wanted to know whether she should be studying other instruments as well.


“That one went to composer John Adams, who gave a great answer, then broadened the idea to talk about orchestration in general. I’m always amazed at the eloquence of the musicians I wind up doing these things with.”

To pose a question, send an e-mail to [email protected].

-- Chris Pasles
