
Costa Mesa City Attorney to Pay Fine for DUI

From a Times Staff Writer

Huntington Beach’s elected city attorney will pay a $1,600 fine and attend an alcohol education program for nine months after pleading guilty last week to driving under the influence.

Jennifer McGrath, 37, was booked into the city jail on Dec. 21 after she was pulled over by police for driving on the wrong side of Main Street downtown.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Feb. 22, 2006 For The Record
Los Angeles Times Wednesday February 22, 2006 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 1 inches; 37 words Type of Material: Correction
City attorney -- A headline in Tuesday’s California section said “Costa Mesa City Attorney to Pay Fine for DUI.” In fact, Jennifer McGrath, who pleaded guilty to driving under the influence, is the Huntington Beach city attorney.

In an e-mail message announcing her guilty plea, she said she received the standard sentence for a first-time offense. Her driving privileges also will be restricted for six months. McGrath was alone in an SUV when she was stopped, police said.


She was elected city attorney in 2002 and faces reelection in November.

“I made a mistake,” she said. “I deeply apologize for any embarrassment I have caused the city, my family or my friends, and I can assure all of you that this will never happen again.”
