
South Dakota’s law against right to choose

Re “S.D. House Approves Abortion Bill,” Feb. 25

One couldn’t tell it is the 21st century by watching the attempt by South Dakota’s legislators to get abortion outlawed everywhere in this country by pushing the issue on the Supreme Court.

It is a total waste of time, effort and tax dollars to even discuss an issue such as abortion because it is a personal issue and not one the government should be involved in. It is a moral issue that should be decided by the individual. Anything less amounts to legislated religion.


Lake Elsinore


Pretend my daughter lives in South Dakota; she’s brutally raped and becomes pregnant. If this bill is signed, by law she would have to carry the child to full term and deliver it, no matter that she was a victim of a crime.


Maybe this isn’t so much about abortion but is a brilliant PR move to discourage anyone from relocating to South Dakota.

Oh well, it all boils down to population control, doesn’t it?


Granada Hills
