
Ports deal continues to make waves

Your editorial, “Boxer’s rebellion” (Feb. 26), completely ignored the nonpartisan response to this latest, potentially tragic mistake by the Bush administration.

The United Arab Emirates (a “key ally”) had many connections with the 9/11 attackers. It is ridiculous that President Bush compares Britain with the UAE. If anything, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and our representatives in Congress have been incredibly lax in holding the administration responsible for the numerous mistakes of the last five years.

The people of the United States have been required to give up much in the way of privacy and personal rights in the war on terror, but when it comes to interfering in a business decision, our government is quite willing to jeopardize national security. Californians should be proud that Boxer was one of many who spoke up to complain that the UAE is not just another ally in the war on terror, and that it would be incredibly stupid to allow this extension of its empire into the United States.



Chino Hills


Your editorial was spot on. Having worked at the Port of Long Beach since 1982, I clearly remember the hysteria over the proposed deal with Cosco, a Chinese company. At the time, my impression was that politicians care more about getting themselves in the headlines than digging for the truth, and the new uproar over Dubai Ports World only reinforces that view.

I work as a container-ship planner at the location Cosco originally wanted, the former Long Beach naval station and shipyard. It is run by Hanjin Shipping of South Korea (apparently the Koreans were more acceptable to the politicians than the Chinese).

I invite Boxer to visit. She could meet with our head of security, who is also an officer in the U.S. Naval Reserve and served in Iraq with a SEAL team. She could talk to the Department of Homeland Security customs officers as they schedule containers for inspection. Or she could watch the hundreds of American longshore workers.


Of course, to make the time to do so, she might have to forgo another appearance before the cameras. I won’t hold my breath.


Long Beach
