
Election showed who wields power

Bill Stall states that the special election was unnecessary and unsuccessful (Opinion, Dec. 29). I disagree.

The election showed voters and, more important, taxpayers who really runs the state -- public employee unions, especially the teachers union. They control not only the Democrats in the Legislature but also the agenda. They can even determine the outcome of a direct-democracy attempt to change the direction of the state. Apparently, this is just fine with those who vote in California, as few as there may be.


Gavilan Hills


Re “Rough Terrain for Gov. in 2006,” Dec. 26

The people of California -- the ones who are paying the bills -- are entitled to legislators who spend their time trying to improve residents’ quality of life regardless of political party or affiliation. If “rough terrain” means more of the same, then the people are the losers, not the governor. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is reaching out to avoid another disaster like 2005. The legislators should drop their childish revenge messages and do their jobs, which they are paid so well to do.



Los Angeles
