
Winning Floral Fantasies

Parade’s victorious

Sweepstakes Trophy: Florists’ Transworld Delivery Inc.’s “Your Wish Is My Command,” for most beautiful entry with outstanding floral presentation and design.

Lathrop K. Leishman Trophy: The city of Newport Beach’s “Sailing Through a Century,” for most beautiful noncommercial entry.

Grand Marshal’s Trophy: NAMM’s (International Music Products Assn.) entry, “Making Music is Magical,” for excellence in creative concept and design.


President’s Trophy: The Automobile Club’s “Vacation Paradise,” for most effective floral use and presentation.

Director’s Trophy: Kaiser Permanente’s “The Magic of Good Health,” for outstanding artistic merit in design and floral presentation.

Queen’s Trophy: Bayer Advanced’s “Jack and the Rose Stalk,” for most effective use and display of roses in concept, design and presentation.


Mayor’s Trophy: The city of Alhambra’s “Floating on the River,” for most outstanding city entry, national or international.

Theme Trophy: The city of La Canada Flintridge’s “The Great Howldini,” for excellence in presenting the parade theme.

National Trophy: ESPN’s “The Magic of Sports in High Definition,” for best depiction of life in the United States, past, present or future.


Governor’s Trophy: The city of Ontario’s “Gateway to California,” for best depiction of life in California.

Bob Hope Humor Trophy: The city of Burbank’s “Pachyderm Parade,” for most comical and amusing.

Judges’ Special Trophy: Farmers Insurance Group’s “Protecting Your Family,” for most spectacular in showmanship and dramatic impact.

Animation Trophy: The city of Cerritos’ “Magical Music Machine,” for best animation and motion.

Fantasy Trophy: Subway Restaurants’ “Fresh Magic,” for most outstanding display of fantasy and imagination.

Founders’ Trophy: The city of Sierra Madre’s “Wonder of Reading,” for most spectacular float built and decorated by volunteers from a community or organization.


International Trophy: China Airlines’ “ILHA Formosa -- Magical Taiwan,” for most beautiful entry from outside the continental United States.

Princesses’ Trophy: The city of Palmdale’s “A Magical Place to Call Home,” for most beautiful float 35 feet or under.

Isabella Coleman Trophy: The city of Glendale’s “Imagination Express,” for best presentation of color and color harmony through floral use.

Tournament Special Float: American Honda Motor Co.’s “The Power of Dreams,” for exceptional merit in multiple categories, including floats over 55 feet.

Past Presidents’ Trophy: The city of Long Beach’s “Pacific Fantasy,” for most creative use of floral and non-floral materials.

Volunteers’ Trophy: The city of Torrance’s “Love Is Magical,” for best floral design of theme 35 feet or under.


Craftsman Trophy: Disney Parks’ “The Most Magical Celebration on Earth,” for exceptional showmanship and dramatic impact of a float over 55 feet.

Extraordinaire Trophy: Trader Joe’s entry “Adventure!,” for most spectacular, including floats over 55 feet.

Crown City Innovation Trophy: Ivory Soap’s “Generations of Good Clean Fun,” for use of imagination and innovation to advance the art of float design.

Source: Associated Press

Los Angeles Times
