
Domestic spying: the enemy within

Re “Bush Says Terrorism Warrants Spying in U.S.,” Jan. 2

President Bush justifies secret electronic eavesdropping by the National Security Agency with the statement: “We are at war with an enemy who wants to hurt us again.” Because there is no way to know if and when such a war is over or even when this enemy is disabled, then this eavesdropping must be permanent and ongoing, yes? Goodbye, land of the free! Oh, brave new world, a la Orwell.


Los Angeles


Re “Leak in Domestic Spy Program Investigated,” Dec. 31

I find it appalling that the Justice Department has launched an investigation into who leaked classified information regarding President Bush’s secret domestic spying program, instead of investigating why the program exists in the first place. Something seems completely awry here. Why has Bush blatantly disregarded the legal process that would allow him to conduct the surveillance of Americans (i.e., warrants obtained under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act)?

This is a sad day for America. The investigation should be into why one president can be impeached for matters that should have been strictly between him and his wife while another is not impeached for manipulating intelligence, unilaterally invading another sovereign nation, endorsing the torture of detainees, lying to the American people and now perpetrating what appears to be a clear violation of the 4th Amendment. There are many days of late when I am not proud to be an American.



