
Grocery Ordinance a Bad Move

Regarding “L.A. Council Acts to Save Grocery Jobs,” Dec. 22:

It seems that the unions have found a way to do away with the negotiation process in dealing with the grocery industry in Los Angeles.

All they have to do is tell the City Council what it is they want, and voila, there is a new ordinance that dictates to the grocery industry how long they must keep their employees on the books and what method they must use to lay them off.

It appears that the millions of dollars that the unions spend on elections every year is paying off big time.


Jack Bendar

Pacific Palisades


Well, it is nice to know who is running grocery stores in Los Angeles.

The City Council has no money at stake, no customers to deal with, no shareholders to explain things to, but they know how to best run a grocery store.

George Schirtzinger

