
For Bush, a good debate is one that he wins

Re “Bush Sees ‘Irresponsible Debate’ Over War in Iraq,” Jan. 11

So our president grandly declaims: “In a free society, there is only one check on political speech, and that’s the judgment of the American people. So I ask all Americans to hold their elected leaders to account and demand a debate.” Oh, but of course that doesn’t include any “partisan critics who claim that we acted in Iraq because of oil ... or because we misled the American people.” That, to him, is “irresponsible debate.”

In other words, only the opinions of people who agree with President Bush are allowed.

No wonder the Iraqi people are confused over what democracy means. Under Bush’s definition, it is just dictatorship warmed over, rather like Saddam Hussein.

Oh yes, been there, done that.


Santa Ana


Bush has become the Orwellian Big Brother. In the name of protecting us from terrorists, he has broken, bent, circumvented or declared null and void laws that are based upon our constitutional rights.


However well intended he may be when he does that, I say that he’s just another terrorist -- and that those who perpetrated the horrors of 9/11 have won.


Dana Point


Bush is arguing that our troop’s morale is hurt by irresponsible discussion of the war in Iraq. I wonder how he feels about the news stories that report that in three years, his administration hasn’t been able to provide them with proper body armor. Not exactly a crowd-pleaser when you’re being shot at.

He might want to expand on this subject the next time he stands in front of a bank of flags and gives a speech to veterans or visits the horribly wounded in the hospital.



San Diego
