
A sensible change to three-strikes law

It is nice to see that some authorities are finally coming to their senses about the three-strikes law (Jan. 11).

L.A. Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley and criminal defense attorney Brian Dunn may be strange bedfellows, but both seem to recognize the inherent unfairness of the three-strikes law. Many are being sentenced to 25 years to life in prison for petty crimes. These criminals are filling up our prisons and cramping the state’s budget because they may have stolen a piece of pizza or a videotape or committed some other nonviolent crime that simply does not deserve such a sentence. Meanwhile, first-time killers make a plea deal, get off in 10 or 12 years and are set free.

It appears now that prosecutors are leaning in favor of revising this law. This may finally get it done. California could use the money saved from releasing these prisoners for education, which is really in dire need of funds.



Laguna Beach
