
Last One to Leave, Turn Out USC Lights

What a shame to see LenDale White jump to the NFL with one year of eligibility remaining at USC. The young man had the opportunity to Gretzky the career touchdown mark at Tailback U., move near the top of the 2007 NFL draft and possibly earn a college degree with his classmates.

You just can’t put a price on the things he could have achieved, had he stayed for his senior year.


Hermosa Beach


I saw that Matt Leinart signed with Creative Artists Agency. Now he’ll have someone to negotiate his contract for “Dancing With the Stars” when he flames out in 2009.



Los Angeles


So Maurice Drew has decided to leave UCLA to play at the next level. Does this mean he is transferring to USC?


San Luis Obispo


All this talk about Pete Carroll’s bad decision-making is enough to make a true Trojan fan sick. Those who remember the years just preceding Carroll’s appearance at SC have to wonder if those shooting their mouths off live in a time bubble, unable to recall anything occurring before Jan. 4.

Carroll has turned a program longing for the days of Garrett, Simpson, Davis, Bell, White and Allen into one that will be compared to one of the best in college football history for what it has accomplished during Carroll’s tenure alone. And as far as taking the fourth-and-two risk in the fourth quarter, Trojan fans, if you don’t like it, take the 10 freeway a few miles west and see if Karl Dorrell is up for coming over. I thought so.



