
Is it equality -- or hypocrisy?

I question if the author of this article is a man hater. [“Dreaming of Mr. Right’s Rookie Card,” by Shana Ting Lipton, Jan. 12]. I doubt that you would print a piece written about women with such a chauvinistic attitude.

But why do you denigrate men in this manner? Do you think it acceptable? Why? Are you aware of female chauvinism and its forms? Are you aware that men are waking up to the fact that they are being mischaracterized in the popular culture on a daily basis?

Double standard No. 1: Men are “afraid to commit.” Women are “independent”?!

Shouldn’t the same rules apply to both men and women if women really want to be treated equally?


Personally, I don’t think women want to be treated equally. They prefer double standards that favor women.


Fountain Valley
