
Therapy Keeps Ford in the Hospital

Times Staff Writer

Former President Gerald R. Ford remained hospitalized at Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage on Thursday, his discharge postponed while he received respiratory therapy six days after being admitted for pneumonia.

It is his second hospital stay in as many months.

“He is in a good mood and wanting to return home,” said Penny Circle, Ford’s chief of staff, in a prepared statement.

Ford, 92, lives in Rancho Mirage.

The former chief executive’s condition “is not life-threatening,” Circle said.

Ford’s health has continued to improve, and Thursday’s decision to extend his hospital stay “is what [doctors] feel is the appropriate step,” said Elizabeth Wholihan, spokeswoman for Eisenhower Medical Center.


His staff said Ford, the 38th president, was out of bed Thursday, “reading the newspapers and eating well.”

Ford suffered two small strokes in 2000 and a dizzy spell on a golf course in 2003.

Last month he stayed briefly in the hospital for medical tests and a bad cold.
