
Democrats should call on old-time party values

Re “The right way to reform,” Opinion, Jan. 19

Jonah Goldberg repeats a lie that’s going to be repeated a whole lot more in this election year, namely that the Democrats are “vexed” because they are “lacking any other ideas.”

GOP corruption and incompetence deserve to be screamed about. Operating secret torture chambers is certainly a new idea in this country, but is it a good one?

The Democrats have the same ideas they’ve had for many years: fairness and opportunity for the little guy, protection for the environment, national healthcare, development of alternative energy sources, the rule of civil law, the separation of church and state, checks and balances.


If President Bush and his fellow extremists think that the Geneva Convention is “quaint” and “obsolete,” what do you suppose they think about those in the powdered wigs from two centuries ago? This highlights a disturbing truth: To protect something, you have to protect it every day forever. To destroy it, you only have to destroy it once.


Jemez Springs, N.M.
