
U.S. must face up to Hamas election victory

Re “Hamas Makes Major Inroad in Balloting,” Jan. 26

The U.S. and Israel would be missing a bet if they continue to ignore the reality of the Hamas victory. After extolling the virtues of a democratically held election, to now impose definitional preconditions on acceptance of that election is hypocritical. Such focus on micro-minutia was never applied against Japan following World War II, nor against England following its birthing of Israel, nor is it being followed now in dealing with individual Iraqis who had a bloody hand in the anti-democratic history under Saddam Hussein.

The U.S. got what it wished for, and it is time to be accountable. If titles, not substance, are important, why not refer to the newly elected democratic government in Palestine as Hamas II, and treat it as any other state.

If Hamas II acts against Israel, then protest with the same means had Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, England or France so acted.


It is time the U.S. moved beyond the pursuit of illusive perfect-world conditions, acting all the while as a mercurial chameleon out of step with its own proclamations.


Santa Monica


I feel that it is hypocritical for Israel and the United States to say that they will not negotiate with Hamas until it renounces terrorism. How many of Israel’s leaders were members of terrorist groups that didn’t recognize the right of Palestine to exist? Israeli Prime Ministers Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir and Ariel Sharon belonged to such organizations as the Stern Gang, the Irgun, the Haganah and the Palmach, recognized by the League of Nations as terrorist groups.

Good for the Palestinians that they made their own choice and didn’t let America or the Zionist entity do it for them.





“Democracies are peaceful” is what we’ve been told by the Bush administration in its evangelical quest to remake the countries of the world in our image. With a democratic election and Hamas victory in the Palestinian territories, I guess another mindless platitude disguised as policy from this administration falls prey to reality.




This whole time I thought Hamas was campaigning as a joke (kind of like Ralph Nader). What the Palestinians have done is the equivalent of the United States putting the Crips in the White House.

There was no better way to break off any possibility of peace talks, seeing as how Israel, the U.S. and now even the European Union are denouncing Hamas. But on the bright side, the Palestinians have now made great buddies with Iran, North Korea, Syria and every other nation that is on the U.S. hit list.


A sad day for world peace.


