
In the 21st Century, Art Is a Woman’s Job Too

It probably would have been more accurate to call it “The Men’s Art Issue” as only two women artists were included in your Art Issue (June 11). When you think of artists, both emerging and established, who make L.A. sing, why not Meg Cranston, Alexis Smith, Lita Albuquerque, Margaret Honda, Erika Rothenberg, Liz Young, Rachel Rosenthal, Ruth Weisberg or Takako Yamaguchi? Kudos on writing so well about artists, their homes and lives, but your short list of women artists who seem to be of interest because they are either married to the son of a famous male artist or married to another artist makes me think you are still in the early 20th century, where marriage was a woman’s real “job.”

Suvan Geer

Via the Internet


I find it ironic that The Art Issue was published a few weeks after the mural of Ed Ruscha (who was mentioned in the profile of his daughter-in-law, Francesca Gabbiani) was destroyed by some imbecile in the true tradition of Los Angeles (“Work, Rest. Work, Stop.” by Michael Webb, June 11). The artists portrayed in this issue should move away if they have any sense of passion for their creativity.

Mark Gordon

Valley Glen
