
An electrifying ride to Mt. Lowe

July 4, 1893: The world’s first electric-powered mountain railway opened above Altadena, with accompanying music from the Pasadena City Band, which rode in the first cable car from Rubio Canyon to Echo Mountain.

White-knuckled passengers on the Mt. Lowe Scenic Railway held on tightly as the car began its ascent. At the base of Echo Mountain, some stopped to enjoy the amenities at the Rubio Hotel and pavilion.

Those wishing to go higher could travel to the top of the mountain by funicular, a 3,000-foot, very steep ride, with grades reaching 62%.


“The number of people who visited Rubio Canyon is variously estimated at from two thousand to six thousand people,” The Times reported, adding that “if the patronage continues half as liberal as it has been so far, the financial success of the undertaking is assured.”
