
Some dog owners lack good breeding

I’m a person who loves and lives with both canine and feline companions [“Real Party Animals,” by Cindy Chang, June 29]. I suppose that makes me a bi-species quadruped lover. However, I have to take exception to the generalization that “dog people must be kinder, gentler, more loving than everyone else.” Unfortunately, that is wishful thinking and a fanciful stereotype.

Here in Mount Washington we have a number of so-called “dog people” who turn their canines loose in the neighborhood, or walk their pooches off leash with no control of the animals at all.

Our cats are killed for sport by these marauding hellhounds. Children on their way home from school are nipped and chased by errant mutts. And many adults fear for their safety in even taking a sunset stroll.


As a result, the rest of us have to carry big sticks and pepper spray to protect ourselves when we’re jogging, hiking or walking our smaller dogs.

The people who own these dogs are not “kinder, gentler and more loving” -- they are just the opposite. They are selfish, insensitive and totally uncaring about the welfare of their neighbors and pets.

To play off the old cliche: “I’d like to be the kind of person my dog thinks I am” -- these unkind, ungentle and unloving people aren’t even in the ballpark (or dog park) in their dogs’ estimation. Bad humans, bad, bad humans! Someone should smack them with a rolled up L.A. Times.



Los Angeles
