
Do teen girls deserve a good dressing down?

RATHER than blaming young women for colluding with a culture that constantly objectifies women’s bodies, Robin Abcarian’s article [“Letting It All Hang Out,” July 4] would have been more interesting if she had taken a critical -- rather than simply an empirical -- view toward an issue that reflects the pathological consciousness of this nation. Why not look deeper into the fashion and advertising industries and the media at large, which instead of helping to empower women, present them simply as objects to be appreciated for their bodies (if, albeit, a certain size) or so-called “beauty”?

Abcarian’s article also perpetuates the narcissistic, self-obsessed view that women should indeed see themselves as “cute” and “beautiful.” Self-acceptance and self-love are unconditional, spiritual states of being, not dependent on the color of your skin, the size of your waistline or the curl of your hair.




BRAVO and thank you for sharing your opinion on the appalling “dress code” of today’s overweight teens. Being in the fashion business, it never fails to dismay me how many overweight young women are cluelessly “stuffing” themselves into revealing, undersized garments only to accentuate their worst figure problems.


To make things worse, your average mall retailer does little to encourage, or teach, their female sales associates how to dress professionally in size-wise, style-wise fashion. When the retail fashion community allows this look on their selling floor, it only validates this proliferation of offensive bad taste. Girls, get a reality check and take a deep look into the mirror before leaving home!


Los Angeles


WHAT purpose is served by an article focused on criticizing people for something so superficial? People who are overweight know it. They know those tube tops and low-rise jeans don’t look as good on them as they do on Paris Hilton or Ashley Olsen. Do they really need a humiliating article to point out the obvious?


Costa Mesa
