
Because some things are such a drag

Taking the kids to the beach and other fun places can be safer and easier to manage with the following items, all of which have been tested by the author. -- Judi Dash

Hot seat cool-down

A few hours in the sun can leave a car or booster seat painfully hot to the touch; seat-belt buckles especially can scorch delicate skin. The Comfaset Car Seat Protector can make a difference. Its quilted cover, which has a silver reflective surface, acts as a buffer between the car seat and the sun. An insulated pouch holds a freezer pack (not included), which can be placed between the seat and the cover to keep the seat even cooler. The Comfaset fastens by Velcro to the top of the car seat or passenger seat back and rolls down when needed, or up and out of the way when the child is in the seat. Machine washable and dryable.

Comfaset Car Seat Protector is $24.95 from Baby Outfitters; (866) 715-2229,

The big lug

The Wonder Wheeler Plus folding cart reduces the schlep factor when the family heads to the beach or other outdoor spots. Two fat rubber wheels at the back of the cart won’t get bogged down in sand, and two smaller double wheels at the front make for easy rolling on solid ground and add stability when the cart is at rest. The cart can hold a 48-quart cooler, a large mesh pocket accommodates loads of towels and toys, and the front railing provides a roost for up to four folding chairs. A back pocket can hold lotions, books and other supplies. The cart folds compactly for storage, especially when the snap-on wheels are removed. A larger Deluxe Wonder Wheeler has a sleeve for an umbrella (not included) and an extra pocket, but it is a little bulkier.


Wonder Wheeler Plus is $54.95 (deluxe model $64.95); (866) 351-0240,


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