
An all-around stretch starts with a triangle

Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].

The triangle pose, a classic yoga posture, stretches both sides of your spine, the backs of your legs and your hips. It opens your chest while stretching the muscles between your ribs. While your body becomes more limber and comfortable with the position, use a yoga block to help you get in the correct alignment -- extending your body in all directions while breathing evenly.

Karen Voight

1 Stand with your legs 4 to 4 1/2 feet apart on a flat, nonslip yoga mat. Place a yoga block near your right calf. Turn your right leg out 90 degrees, and turn your left foot in 30 degrees. Extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder level so they form a “T” with your torso.

2 Exhale and shift your pelvis to the left as you move your torso to the right and over your right leg. Place your hand on the yoga block or rest it on your right shin if you don’t have a block. Reach up with your left arm and look up at your left hand (if this bothers your neck, look straight ahead or down). Keep your shoulders relaxed and away from your ears. Hold this pose for six to eight breaths. Return to the standing position and repeat on the other side.
