
‘No Mozart’ is a nod to composer

Long Beach Opera will celebrate Mozart’s 250th birthday next season by ignoring his music but staging three Southern California premieres centered on the composer.

The three-work “No Mozart” program, Sept. 29-30 at the Vault 350 nightclub in Long Beach, will include “Letters, Riddles and Writs” by Michael Nyman, “M Is for Man, Music and Mozart” by Louis Andriessen, and “Mozart-Adagio” by Arvo Part.

The season will continue with two Philip Glass operas based on Japanese ghost stories: “The Sound of a Voice/Hotel of Dreams,” with texts by David Henry Hwang, Nov. 18 and 19 at the Aratani/Japan America Theatre in Los Angeles. It will close with Russian composer Grigori Frid’s “Anne Frank,” with dates in April 2007 and a location to be announced.


Chris Pasles
