
He likes ‘em hot

SO, Robert Stephens, you saw the Red Hot Chili Peppers once in ’84. Well, I guess that makes you an expert on the band [Letters: “Hold the Peppers,” July 2]. “They haven’t advanced much,” what a joke. The evolution of the Peppers has been one of the truly fascinating stories in rock ‘n’ roll, with all members becoming masters of their craft. I wonder if this guy has even heard “Stadium Arcadium,” with John Frusciante’s amazingly fluid and punctuating guitar shops, not to mention Flea’s brilliant bass work. They use Chad Smith’s drums as a third or fourth lead, reminiscent of the way the Who would use Keith Moon’s machine-gun style. And of course, there is Anthony Kiedis’ envelope-pushing vocal stylings. All this has made these guys one of the most talented quartets in the business today.

This album will not only be the Peppers’ truly defining work but one of the most influential albums in R&R; history.


Santa Ana
