
Opening up Owen

I’M really tired of reading the same sort of fluff on an actor like Owen Wilson [“It’s Funny About Owen Wilson,” July 9].

His mother is Laura Wilson, who has published several top-notch books (“Watt Matthews of Lambshead” is one) and had a showing at the Amon Carter Museum in Fort Worth [“Laura Wilson: Avedon at Work”] right before the reshowing of Richard Avedon’s seminal show “In the American West.”

Rachel Abramowitz missed the chance to push the son to talk about creativity, how it fuels him, how it has shaped his life.


Until someone can pull the charms and get him to talk, you’re always going to be held at arm’s length and be treated to skateboard and computer asides. And maybe that’s what he wants. Owen Wilson’s trifecta is that he can look cute, act like a doofus and make you believe there’s not much more.


