
The Unintended Effects of NAFTA

The editorial page writers of The Times would do well to read carefully Marla Dickerson’s article showing how U.S. policies such as the North American Free Trade Agreement are to blame for the damage to Mexican farmers and, consequently, for their increased migration to the U.S. in search of a livelihood (“Placing Blame for Mexico’s Ills,” July 1).

Perhaps the writers might back off a little from their rah-rah support of so-called free trade.

I would only add to Dickerson’s telling data that higher Mexican exports because of NAFTA are not necessarily a good sign. In the poorest nations in the world, such as Burkina Faso and others in Africa, exports are a much higher proportion of gross national product than in advanced countries.


Maybe Mexico is heading in that direction: more exports and more poverty. That will mean only more migration to the United States.

Raul Fernandez

