
By the numbers

Weekend box-office results in the U.S. and Canada, July 14-16

Industry total

*--* Movie (studio) 3-day Total (millions) Venues Average per venue Weeks gross (mill ions)

1 Pirates/Caribbean/Dd $62.3 $258.4 4,133 $15,085 2 Man’s Cht (Disney)

2 Little Man (Sony) 21.6 21.6 2,533 8,533 1

3 You, Me and Dupree 21.5 21.5 3,131 6,875 1 (Universal)

4 Superman Returns 12.3 164.3 3,765 3,264 3 (Warner Bros.)

5 Devil Wears Prada 10.4 83.5 2,810 3,696 3 (20th Century Fox)

6 Cars (Disney) 7.8 220.0 3,003 2,611 6

7 Click (Sony) 7.3 120.0 3,296 2,203 4

8 The Lake House (Warner 1.7 49.0 1,710 974 5 Bros.)

9 Nacho Libre (Paramount) 1.6 77.2 1,501 1,076 5

10 A Scanner Darkly 1.3 1.9 216 5,863 2 (Warner Independent)


*--* 3-day gross Change Year-to-date gross Change (in millions) from 2005 (in billions) from 2005 $158.9 -3.2% $5.24 +7.1%


Note: A movie may be shown on more than one screen at each venue.

Source: Exhibitor Relations Co.
