
Women’s shelter changed the lives of a young mom, her kids

Times Staff Writer

Blanca Ramirez was 22 with three young children and no place to go when she found the House of Ruth women’s shelter in Boyle Heights more than a decade ago. Living there for four months changed her life -- and her children’s lives as well.

Ramirez found a home for her family and began working at House of Ruth. She loved being able to escape the hectic city and take her kids to the shelter’s family camp in the San Gabriel Mountains.

“It was beautiful,” reminisces Ramirez as she stands in her kitchen, which is darkened against the city’s midday heat. “You meditate up there for a while. It’s really relaxing.”


Ramirez is now one of the shelter’s house managers. Her two daughters, now teenagers, are being put to work this summer too.

Carmen, 17, and Corina, 16, will be counselors at Camp Mariastella in Wrightwood. They’ve been going there as campers almost every year since they were 6 and 5.

“I think it’s going to be a really good, positive thing for them,” Ramirez says. “Especially since they’re at that age.... “


“We’re not going to be getting into trouble because we’ll be up at camp,” adds Carmen with a laugh.

The sisters have fond memories of past years at camp. But this summer, they say, is more about responsibility for younger campers. They’re already planning activities for the groups of six to eight girls for whom they’ll be counselors. Carmen says she wants to make sure the kids get to play games even during their midday breaks.

“They’re going to have fun,” Carmen says. “It’s a whole new environment. They’re not going to be watching TV every day; they’re going to be busy.”


Carmen and Corina also help their mother at the shelter, where, Ramirez says, they act as positive role models for the younger kids. The youngsters think Carmen, with her long eyelashes and fashionable look, is particularly impressive.

“All the kids are like, ‘I want to be like her,’ ” Ramirez says. “I say, ‘We came from these doors. She walked out those doors, so you can do it too.’ ”

Some of the children from House of Ruth will join Carmen and Corina this summer at Camp Mariastella. The two sisters are looking forward to sharing their years of positive camp experience with a group of new kids, much like they once were.

About 10,000 children will go to camp this summer, thanks to $1.6 million raised last year.

The annual fundraising campaign is part of the Los Angeles Times Family Fund of the McCormick Tribune Foundation, which this year will match the first $1.1 million in contributions at 50 cents on the dollar.

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