
South L.A. Plating Plant Fined

Times Staff Writer

A World War II-era metal finishing plant in South Los Angeles has been fined $65,000 and placed on three years’ probation for illegally handling hazardous waste, the city attorney’s office announced Friday.

Palace Plating Inc. pleaded no contest in Los Angeles County Superior Court on Thursday to one count of illegal disposal of hazardous waste and one count of illegal treatment of hazardous waste.

“The company ... intends to fully comply with all rules, regulations and laws within the state of California,” said attorney Charles Pomeroy of McKenna Long & Aldridge, which represents the plant.


In addition to the $65,000 fine, the company will pay $60,000 in penalties to the California Department of Toxic Substances Control. The department will oversee cleanup of contaminated areas at the site, across from 28th Street Elementary School, and will inspect the facility’s treatment, storage, handling and management of hazardous waste.

The city attorney’s environmental protection unit filed the criminal charges as part of a crackdown launched in 2003 on polluters in poor neighborhoods. The unit has inspected 47 chrome plating sites, resulting in more than $300,000 in fines and penalties.

“Families in poorer communities, mostly communities of color, carry a greater burden from industrial pollution than other communities,” City Atty. Rocky Delgadillo said in a statement. “This settlement ... should put the industry on notice that those who put our children at risk will be held accountable.”
